Do you create custom files/SVG's? How can I request for you to create a custom file or SVG for me?
Absolutely! CLICK HERE for our request form!
***Please note that we love creating items of all sorts, INCLUDING adult humor, we will never consider, create or accept requests for any files that oppose GOD or go against our religous beliefs.
How do I use your files with my Silhouette?
One of our awesome group members created a file to help you with this!
Big thank you to Patricia for her help! CLICK HERE to read and download the file.
How do I use your files with my Cricut?
An amazing group member, Heather, took time to create two incredible documents to help you use my files with your Cricut! CLICK HERE for basic instuctions or CLICK HERE for instuctions for WORD ART files.
Where can I see projects that have been finished with your files? Can someone tell me how much I should charge for my finished work?
We are a sister company of Lane Creative Supply. We are part of their facebook page, and our members often post photos of finished projects there. Our AMAZING members are always happy to help you with various business questions that you may have as well.
What Terms and Conditions come with your files?
File and Image Usage Agreement for Mashamalama Files and Images
This agreement grants you personal/commercial non-exclusive, non-transferable, use. You are not given rights to the files or ownership of the images, meaning that the actual digital files cannot be resold or shared in any form. This license is not transferable to a third party.
Mashanda Lane (Mashamalama) remains the sole owner of the image’s copyright. No transfer of intellectual property is made by this agreement.
Anytime permission has been granted to use Mashamalama Studio 23 pictures for advertisement purposes, you must watermark ALL images (including your own) before placing them on the internet or social media. They may be watermarked with your watermark. Mashamalama Studio 23 does not expect credit for the photos or art, we only ask that the work be protected.
You may credit “Mashamalama Studio 23” when in a reasonable manner whenever the image is printed or displayed or questions are asked online, on social media, or in person.
Where can I buy Shirts, Cups, HTV and other supplies to create beautiful things with your files?
Again, we are a sister company of Lane Creative Supply. They provide a one stop shop for many of your needs, and high quality products at incredible prices. You can also join the Lane Creative Facebook to be the first to learn about new products, and exciting offers!
Can I sell items that I make from your files? What about licensed images?
With file purchase, you can create and sell any items that you make from any original Mashamalama files. I cannot give you permission to sell or deny your ability to sell Licensed and permissioned items (characters) created from files. Regardless of what ANY graphic designer tells you, NO license or permissions for characters are transferable....meaning that my permissions only cover me CREATING the files, they do not transfer with purchase. Technically, items made from licensed purchases are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. ....however, with that being said, I should also mention that I will NEVER ask you if you have a license or permissions to sell finished charactor items. As far as I am concerned...it's none of my business. Anything you do with it is at your discretion.
Can I get a refund on files that I decide to not use?
No. Due to the nature of digital art, we do not offer refunds, exchanges or other. All sales are final
Can I share, sell or give away files that I have purchased?
No. We joyfully encourage you to sell ITEMS that you create with our files, however, the actual files remain property of Mashamalama Studio 23 and cannot be sold, bartered, given away, exchanged, or shared in any other way. Our files are all tagged and are traceable. If you see our files being sold, or given away, please contact us to report infractions. Please include screen shots if possible. WE WILL NEVER MENTION YOUR NAME WHEN DEALING WITH THESE.